- Spent minutes reading the graph/ chart
- Make sure you understand axes
- Make sure you follow lines on graph
- Focus on the key information
- I f two graph- compared
- Think about the time period- Tenses
- vary your vocabulary
- Organize information clearly
- Write neatly
- Title ( IMPORTANT!!)
- Overview ( First Paragraph)
- Controlling idea and key features ( Third and Fourth paragraph)
- Prediction and proposal ( Last paragraph)
How Students Spend Their Time after Classes
The pie chart shows the number of percentage is due to how students spend their time after classes which are indoor activities, socializing, studying, going for movies, and outdoor activities.
According to the pie chart, indoor activity is the highest percentage which is 35%. Students prefer indoor activities because it is not tiring and low cost activity. For examples, playing computer games and board games, cooking, and collecting stamps.
Based on the pie chart, it shows that 25% of students spend their time after classes for socializing compared to 20% of students that spend their time for studying after classes. It is because many students prefer to going out with friends, visiting places, and chatting online rather than doing homework, assignments, projects, research, and group study. The students do socializing to reduce their stress after having classes.
The percentage of the students that spend their time after classes for outdoor activities and going for movies is 10%. It is the lowest percentage of the pie chart. This activities suitable doing on weekend because they do not have much time to spend after their classes .The examples of outdoor activities are exercising, playing outdoor games, gardening and fishing. Besides, the examples of genre movies that we can watch are comedies, action movies, historical dramas, horror movies, and romance movies.
The percentage of indoor activities will be increased year by year. It is because many students prefer to do indoor activities compare to outdoor activities, going for movies, studying and socializing. Students can do all the activities that they want as long as it’s can give benefit to them. So, they have to manage their time wisely.
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